Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Say Goodbye to your Tension Headaches

Perhaps, you may be suffering from stressful headaches from long time, say weeks, months or even years. But till yet nothing is able to provide you complete relief. Researches have revealed that more then 10 million of people consult doctor because of their headaches that persists from a long time, tension headaches are very common, and about 69 percent of men and 88 percent of women develop tension headaches during their lifetime. The symptoms of this headache are quite common in adolescents or tennagers. Some of the prime causes of tension headaches are listed below-

* The onset of these headaches occurs due to stress or emotional situations. However, these might not result into muscle contraction or reduced blood flow. * Tension to the neck and shoulder muscles may lead to tension headaches; these may be caused due to wrong sitting postures. * Deprivation in sleep can lead to these headaches. * People who do not take regular meals or take improper diet are likely to suffer form tensions headaches. * Long hours of tedious schedule and strain on eyes can lead to tension headaches.

Though tension headaches may involve muscles contraction in head and neck areas, some of the researches have revealed that the root cause for headaches and migraines is teeth clenching that cause a chronic contraction of the temporalis muscle. Other than these there are no serious symptoms observed, however if not treated the problem may lead to serious reactions. Probably one is likely to have trouble in concentrating onto work, hence their daily work performance and duties are affected.

Tension headaches can be treated by natural methods like relaxing, listening to some good music, taking proper meals and keeping yourself away from stress. After trying out these if one does found any effective results then consulting a doctor is the best option; however people look out effective medicines as well.Fioricet is a good treatment that is known to deliver effective relief from pain.Fioricet is a brand name that is used to treat tension headaches, migraines, and sometimes other types of pain. The drug involves a combination of acetaminophen; butalbital, and caffeine. All of these drugs are known to provide relief form pain, muscle tensions, however after taking the medicines one can suffer from symptoms like vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, anxiety, nervousness, dizziness or drowsiness. The availability of online pharmacies have made purchasing drug easy and convenient, there is a wide range online pharmacies selling fioricet.It is quite necessary for you to opt for a relevant pharmacy selling fioricet, at you can find every detail on how to buy fioricet, they provide a free online fioricet price comparison service, you can find each detail about the Online Pharmacies.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tension Headache, Fioricet and Butalbital

At our Online Pharmacy and many others, the most frequently prescribed medication is butalbital, the generic form of Fioricet. Patients are prescribed this medication for relief of tension headache. This article summarizes tension headache as well as butalbital to help patients make informed choices about their treatment.

Tension headache, also called "muscle contraction headache" or "stress headache" is a condition involving pain in the head, neck or scalp. It is typically a dull, achy feeling on both sides of the head, often associated with tightness of the muscles in the affected area. Tension headaches usually start in the middle of the day, typically building slowly and gradually. They can become quite severe, even more painful than a migraine headache. The pain may be worsened by noise or glare.

Tension headache is often the result of stress, anxiety or depression. It can also result from holding the head in a constant or awkward position for long times, for example when using a computer, typing or performing fine work using the hands. Other contributing factors may include excessive alcohol consumption, eyestrain, fatigue, excess caffeine, sinus infection and the flu.

Tension headache can be extremely uncomfortable and annoying, but is not dangerous. It is important to differentiate between tension headache and other conditions which result in head pain, however. If the pain is associated with vision changes, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, seizures or it does not respond to treatment, a physician should be consulted immediately.

While the mechanism behind tension headaches is not completely understood, there are a variety of treatments available with varying efficacy for patients. These include relaxation exercises, meditation, hot showers, biofeedback, a hot or cold pack placed on the point of pain, exercise and over the counter medication. Given the escalating nature of the headache, it is advisable to treat the pain as early as possible and prevent the pain from increasing in severity. For many patients, there is simply no substitute for Fioricet or butalbital. This medication is a combination of three ingredients (50 mg butalbital, 325 mg acetaminophen and 40 mg caffeine). For some reason, this combination of ingredients in this ratio of quantities is particularly effective in treating tension headache.

Butalbital is a barbiturate. It is responsible for relaxing the skeletal muscles in the head, neck and scalp. Acetaminophen is an analgesic (pain reliever) and antipyretic (fever reducer). Tylenol is acetaminophen. Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant found naturally in coffee. All the ingredients in Butalbital (Fioricet) are absorbed quickly. They are eliminated from the body in a variety of ways involving the liver and kidneys. It is interesting to note that while the caffeine and acetaminophen are eliminated from the body rather quickly (half of the drug is eliminated from the body in 3 hours), the butalbital component remains in the body much longer (half of the drug is eliminated in 35 hours).

While Fioricet and butalbital are safe medications, it is helpful to understand the precautions advised by the drug manufacturers when taking this medication. If you have a hypersensitivity to any of the components in butalbital, obviously you should consult a physician before taking the medication. Since the medication is cleared from the body by the kidneys and liver, any patient with impared liver or kidney function should consult a physician. The package insert for Fioricet also mentions that patients with porphyria should exercise the same caution, as should patients taking monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors.

Fioricet and butalbital have other warnings as well. The medication can give patients a feeling of intoxication and euphoria, and may be habit forming.

Butalbital is a central nervous system depressant. This attribute accounts for the relaxation of skeletal muscle associated with tension headache, but it also carries the same risk as other CNS depressants. You should avoid driving or operating machinery when using this medication, as it can impair your mental and/or physical abilities. Alcohol can greatly strengthen the CNS depressant capability of the medication- avoid combining alcohol and butalbital.

Adverse reactions to butalbital and Fioricet include: drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness, sedation, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. As with any medication, there have been a wide range of other rare adverse reactions reported.

In conclusion, Fioricet and Butalbital are safe medications which are effective treatment for tension headaches. An educated patient is a safe patient, so it is important to understand the information in this article. If you do not understand the information in this article, or if you fall into any of the advisory categories, it is best to consult a physician before beginning treatment.

Fioricet as Prescribed Medicine for Tension Headaches

Now and then, we have all had the common headache. It's a quick and easy process to get rid of these "tension headaches", (as they're called by doctors), by sleeping, having some water, or taking a couple of aspirin or Tylenol.

Those with severe or chronic tension headaches, though, know how drastic the effects can be on their lives. A study conducted by the American Headache Society indicates that 70% of those who suffer from chronic headaches experience significant difficulties in their day to day activities due to this condition.

Besides suffering from headaches, those with migraines also experience other symptoms, and may confine themselves to a darkened room for a number of days out of the month, because otherwise, the pain and light sensitivity would be intolerable.

Fioricet: A New Choice

In order to manage headaches, researchers have developed Buy Fioricet. It does work for tension headaches. Studies haven't shown effects for migraine sufferers, but nevertheless, a few people with migraines report it has helped them.

Fioricet functions by using three different substances that control various "portions" of your headache, similar to excellent laundry soap with several ingredients to get rid of grease, bad smells, and grime.

How do these three work?

Fioricet has three components, and two of them may be familiar to you: Butalbital, Acetominophen, and Caffeine. Butalbital, being a barbiturate, has a relaxing effect that is characteristic of barbiturates. You will relax and feel a little sleepy when you take Butalbital, which assists with headaches caused by tension.

You might recognize Acetominophen as the active ingredient in Tylenol. It helps relieve pain, especially when taken with relaxants.

The "buzz" you get after drinking tea, coffee or soda or eating coffee comes from caffeine. The flow of blood to the brain is assisted in reduction by caffeine. It is believed among many scientists that "too much" blood flow to the brain is one of the contributing factors in causing tension headaches, and that the use of caffeine can thus mitigate that effect.

Fioricet in your pain management routine

Those who suffer from headaches are constantly on the lookout for something to relieve the pain.

There are a few questions to ask, though, before asking your doctor for a prescription:
  • Do I suffer from migraine headaches? If you just don't know, then discuss the symptoms you're having with your physician before you decide whether Fioricet is suitable for you.
  • Do you operate heavy machinery or drive a lot? If you have a high sensitivity to barbiturates, and you happen to take a slight overdose of Fioricet, it can make you feel and act as though you've had too much alcohol. You don't want to be "drunk" while operating machinery or driving the kids to school, practice, or the library!
  • Must I require a pain-killer every day? Fioricet can lead to dependency. Being dependent can cause "return headaches" (headaches that come back when the drug goes out of your body) and also more dangerous health problems. As a substitute for your usual medication which fails to work on certain days, Fioricet may be suggested by your physician to be used as a “back-up”. Also, if you've had dependency problems involving some other drug (including alcohol) in the past, then Fioricet is not for you.

Now what do I do after thinking it over?

You can purchase this at an Online Pharmacy so you'll have it at hand when headaches hit. Speaking about any trouble or bad effects such as being dizzy or groggy with your physician will help you control this drug and include it in a plan for your life without pain!